What it is: A hypothetical talking game where players choose which of two scenarios they’d rather do.
Best for: Any number of players. It’s a great two-player game.
What you need: Nothing! Aren’t those games the best? It can be nice if you have a pre-made list of “would you rather” scenarios. Guess what? I made one! You can download it for free below.
How to play: Basically players take turns asking each other questions starting with “Would you rather…” and ending with two different scenarios. Like, “Would you rather have to wear ski goggles for the rest of your life…

…or have to wear a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle mask?”

(p.s. is Donatello your favorite?)
As demonstrated, the questions are usually a little wacky/silly/absurd. (In some variations, they’re also gross/weird, but I don’t like those questions as much.)
Some other examples of would you rather questions:
- Would you rather live to be 90 with great health or live an extra ten years past 90 with not-so-great health?
- Would you rather live off of bread only or live off of anything but carbs?
- Would you rather be respected but feared or laughed at and loved?
The questions can be thoughtful, silly, or completely hypothetical. It’s fun for players to think up their own questions, too.
Once someone asks a question, everyone else must answer the question. Then another player gets to ask a question.
Another variation for a large group is to have one player draw a question (like from the list I made below) and answer it alone. Then another player draws another question and answers it for themselves, and so on. This could work well if you have so many people, it’s hard to have everyone answer each question.
Printables: Here’s the list of Would you rather questions I came up with. It’s two pages long, so not a ton, but definitely enough to get you started or get you thinking of ideas. Once you get playing with a good group, the ideas usually start coming to players. It’s a fun talking game to play.
Would you rather
I like it! I picked some of the questions I like and I made them like cards… are you interested in checking?
That’s great, Samuel! I’d love to see what you made. You can email me at [email protected].