What it is: An easy, fast game that everyone probably already knows. But I like to be comprehensive, so here we go with some rock-paper-scissors instructions. Rock-paper-scissors is a quick win-loose game that is often used to determine who will go first or who will win some other small privilege.
Best for: Two players. But you could have a giant rock-paper-scissors tournament with tons of people!
What you need: Nothing! Well, technically speaking, each player needs to use their two hands.
How to play: In rock-paper-scissors, two players will each randomly choose one of three hand signs: rock (made by making a fist), paper (made by laying your hand flat), or scissors (made by holding out two fingers to look like scissors). Both players show their signs at the same time to see who will win. Here are the rules that determine which sign beats another:
- Rock wins over scissors (because rock smashes scissors)
- Scissors wins over paper (because scissors cut paper)
- Paper wins over rock (because paper covers rock)
(If that last one doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to you…you’re not alone.)
If both players show the same sign, it’s a tie. And that’s basically the whole game! It’s often played in a best-two-out-of-three format as a quick contest to decide who gets to go first or something like that.
To make sure things are clear, here’s a short video on the game:
It’s essentially just a game of chance. But if you’re young, rock-paper-scissors is a legitimately exciting game that can provide hours of fun…or, if not hours, at least minutes.
I did find this video that gives some interesting insight and tips at winning rock-paper-scissors. Who knew there could be that much strategy involved in a game of chance?
Variations: I’ve never played it, but there’s a variation invented by Sam Kass and Karen Bryla that includes five options instead of three: Rock-Paper-Scissors-Spock-Lizard. And I guess you could include the rock-scissors-dynamite variation. 😉
Thanks for sharing. My children love it. I can learn many funny games and play with my family.
I saw my child are playing Rock-paper-scissors, never knew how it play. Thanks for sharing
My little chimps really enjoy it, it dad’s things when it comes to spend time with their children. thanks for sharing.
I saw my cousins play this type of game always. Now I learned it too 🙂 Thank you 🙂