Did you know it’s Harry Potter’s birthday today? We are well aware of it at our house. This summer I read my older two the first three Harry Potter books and they’ve been hooked. All of us together and both of them individually have read the books multiple times. We’ve been doing all sorts of Harry Potter play and pretend.
They’re even going to be Harry and Hermione for Halloween this year (we’re going to dress up our two-year-old as Dobby), and their costumes came in the mail the other day. Now my son wears his robe and his glasses all day and insists we call him Harry. It’s fine by me, though. He’s actually very polite and grateful when he’s pretending to be Harry Potter. He keeps saying things like, “The Dursleys would never let me do that” and “I can’t believe how nice everyone is here.”
One of my kids’ favorite Harry Potter activities is Harry Potter trivia. And my son is pretty good! He’s stumped us sometimes. So I came up with my own super hard Harry Potter trivia that I’m happy to share with you! There are only questions from Books 1 and 2, but there are two versions, one with just the questions and one with the questions and the answers. So quiz yourself or quiz your friends, and let me know below your score! (Or let me know if I missed anything or got an answer wrong.)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Book 1) Trivia
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Book 1) Trivia Answers
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book 2) Trivia
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book 2) Answers
Good luck, Harry Potter fans!