Christmas gift pass

This is a Christmas gift exchange activity, using the poem “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” and the words “right” and “left” to instruct children to pass their gifts to the right or the left. It’s kind of like a white elephant gift exchange, but for younger kids because it’s easier and faster and, because there’s no actual choosing involved, will probably lead to less gift-picker remorse.

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Winter word list for pictionary

Happy Winter! Here’s a list of pictionary words related to winter and snow. Even though, where I am, winter doesn’t exactly mean snow. We’re enjoying weather in the low 60s today. 🙂 Happy winter nevertheless! Winter pictionary word list

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Thanksgiving gratitude tradition

A Thanksgiving tradition my mother-in-law always does. It’s a talking reflection activity, a great way to develop grateful hearts because it goes beyond the typical “Name one thing you’re grateful for this year.”

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