Draw your dream house

This is more of an activity than a game. You just draw your dream house, usually as fun and complex as you can imagine. We’re talking home theaters, indoor swimming pools, pet manatees…just draw the dream home you always wanted! A great activity for kids and for encouraging imagination.

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A little-kid game, best when played with a big brother, sister, or adult. One of those simple wrestling games you love so much as a kid.

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Monkey on the ground

Monkey on the ground is a great game to play at recess. It’s kind of like Marco Polo, but on a playground instead of in a pool. I used to play it almost every day at recess in fourth grade. Ahh, good times.

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Hide and seek

Next to tag, hide and seek is probably one of the most basic kid games out there. It can be played indoors or outdoors and is easily adaptable for lots of ages and playing areas.

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What if?

This party game is easy, silly, and good for big groups. Players write questions that start with “what if” and answer them, with a twist. It almost always involves lots of laughter.

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