Name that movie

“Let me esplain…no, there is too much. Let me sum up.” 😉 Name that movie is a talking guessing game where players quote movies and other players guess which movie they’re quoting.

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I spy

This is a perfect game for young kids, easy to play, and one that encourages observation skills. Players pick objects around a room and try to get others to guess what they’re spying.

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Alphabet chant

There’s not really a winner or a loser, but players take turns coming up with phrases for each letter of the alphabet, like “My name is Bridget, my husband’s name is Brandon, we live in Bermuda, and we sell bouncey balls.” Good for car trips.

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Green glass doors

A talking, thinking game for anywhere from two to a busload of players. One of those games where you need someone who knows the “secret” and other players who are clueless. This post does not include the secret, but scroll to the comments for TONS of clues!

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